I'm passionate about changing the "formal ball/dance/event" community within the anime convention community to be a safer, more enjoyable, and more educational space. I want to teach lessons that accommodate every kind of dancer regardless of age, ability, experience, orientation/identity, partner acquisition, and any other factor that might hinder someone from enjoying dance elsewhere. At any event I host, I use my knowledge of BPM and movement sensitivity to craft a playlist that can be enjoyed by all.

You can also connect with me on my dance-specific Twitter: TrickssiDances.

Credits: photography by Morylaine, featuring Benjamin Wright-Heuman.

All original content on this site is © by Trickssi, all rights reserved. Full notice here.

Biography and Philosophy

Learn about my dance history and why hosting anime con formals is a passion of mine.


What I offer in my dance lessons.

Past Playlists

Carefully selected playlists from previous events.

Current and Upcoming Events

Find out where I will be teaching dance or DJing next!

Dance Gallery

Images from previous events & workshops.


Frequently asked questions about my events.


Feedback from attendees at my events.

Recommended Guidelines

Guidelines and etiquette to keep others safe and comfortable.

Shoe Guide

A (mostly) comprehensive guide on appropriate shoes at formal balls.

Dress Code

An ideal dress code for formal balls.


My collaborations with other instructors & cosplayers.


Not unlike the song from Broadway's Chicago, I can't do it alone!

The Problem with "Prom"

Why we should move away from labeling dances as such.


Subscription that grants you exclusive content.


If you've enjoyed my dance lessons or formal balls, consider buying me a treat!